Boutiques chic, vitrines choc

Charlotte toujours a l'affût nous envoie cette photo de vitrine (merci charlotte :-)) qui nous plaît beaucoup ! Devinerez-vous pourquoi ?
Le torchon à carreaux - 37 rue du bec à Rouen

2 commentaires:

  1. I love your products but find your website is awful. I think it is very difficult to find a product that I have already seen in a shop and which I want to buy or at least to see again.

    I used to see your products in shop and smile at their nice pictures but I´m afraid that if I see them again I will immediately associate them to this terrible website!

    Yours faithfully
    Patricia Thomson

  2. Coucou Patricia,

    Je vous remercie de votre message et suis désolée que vous n’ayez pas apprécié la balade sur notre site.

    Pour information, ce média est essentiellement destiné aux professionnels. Pour les particuliers amateurs de produits Valérie Nylin nous publions toutes les deux semaines des articles moins institutionnels sur le Blog. N’hésitez pas à les consulter, ils correspondent sûrement davantage à vos attentes.

    Bien cordialement

    For the attention of Patricia and all the English speakers.

    Hi Patricia,

    Thank you for your message, I am sorry that you did not like your visit on our website.

    For your information you should know that this media is basically intended for the professionals. For the people who are keen on Valérie Nylin’s products, we publish more singular articles on the Blog every two weeks. Do not hesitate to consult them, they must suit your expectations in a better way.

    Kindest regards
